On-site Enrolment

Old Students

  1. Present Report Card
  2. Secure Registration Form and fill-out all the data completely and return it to the Registrar’s Office window. A payment slip and priority number will be issued for payment at the Cashier’s Office.

  New Students

  1. Submit the additional requirements for Enrolment to the Registrar’s Office window.
  • Secure Registration Form and fill-out all the data completely and return it to the Registrar’s Office for encoding.  A payment slip and priority number will be issued for payment at the Cashier’s Office.

Important Matters

  1.  Passing the test does not guarantee acceptance for enrolment
  2. The decision of the Committee on Admission on test results and the acceptance or non-acceptance of an applicant is considered final.
  3. If the applicant is scheduled for an online interview and does not report on the scheduled date and time, the school has the right to cancel the application. In which cases there are valid reasons, the applicant should immediately inform the school within three days for possible postponement of the schedule.